3 Steps to Simplify Christmas Gifts and Give Less Stuff

1) Decide what matters most to you. What do you want more of? What do you want less of? Your answers to these questions will guide you in deciding what matters most to you. In 2016, we sold nearly everything we had and moved into a 5th wheel for 18 months. It’s one of the coolest things...

Simplify Your Holidays: Say No to Stress and Overwhelm

The most wonderful time of the year is just around the corner, and while I feel the excitement and magic of the season in the air, I also feel a little bit of stress and overwhelm creeping up inside me. Then my mind starts racing with things I need to do. You too? Read on, my friend. I’ve...

Creamy Plant-Based Vegetable Soup

Raise your hand if you love soup season! [Both hands energetically waiving!] I love rich, creamy soups, but the problem is I want delicious, full-flavored soups without all the heavy ingredients like butter, cream, and cheese. Don’t get me wrong, those things are delicious, but not...

DIY Sore Throat Spray with Essential Oils

Here’s my #1 way to kick a sore throat to the curb and do it fast. Cause nobody has time for a sore throat, and it’s super obnoxious to feel it with every swallow. This DIY Sore Throat Spray is so simple yet powerfully effective. You can mix it up in minutes and use it to send the...

5 Tips to Staying Healthy Through the Winter

As the weather cools down and the seasons change, germs and viruses start to run rampant. It’s the beginning of cold and flu season. Let’s face it, none of us want to get sick, and we don’t want sick kiddos either! It’s just miserable! I’ve got 5 tips to share with...

How to Spring Clean Those Toxic Chemicals Out of Your Home

Have you ever felt light-headed or developed a scratchy throat when cleaning a bathroom? Have you ever accidentally come in contact with a corrosive cleaner on your skin or have your eyes begun to burn from the toxic fumes in the air? Many household cleaners contain toxic chemicals, and these...

Why It’s Crucial to Show Your Daughter How to Love Her Body

When I read this quote by Kate Winslet, it struck me to my core, “As a child, I never heard one woman say to me, ‘I love my body.’ Not my mother, my elder sister, my best friend. No one woman has ever said, ‘I am so proud of my body.’ So I make sure to say it to Mia...

Why We Need You to Show Up in the Village Now

In the wake of recent mass shootings, like so many people out there, my heart has been heavy. I’ve wondered what I can do for my own children, then my thoughts turned to other children, the ones who grow up to be bad guys. There are so many kids at risk that get shuffled around or brushed...

Stock Your Freezer: How to Make Shredded Chicken & Bone Broth

Some days it’s just plain hard to get a healthy meal on the table. I get it. I have a few tricks up my sleeve for times like this, and stocking my freezer with a few made-ahead ingredients makes all the difference for me. I’m going to be doing a series of posts with my must-have...


Hi friend! Welcome to Build Mind Body. I’m Laura, wife and mom of 3. My husband Spencer and I created this website to share incredible resources and tools that give you control over the things that matter most.

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