As the weather cools down and the seasons change, germs and viruses start to run rampant. It’s the beginning of cold and flu season.

Let’s face it, none of us want to get sick, and we don’t want sick kiddos either! It’s just miserable!

I’ve got 5 tips to share with you today, and guess what . . . they’re pretty basic. Why you ask? Because sticking to the basics always works.

Let’s jump in . . .

  1. Keep your diet on point.
    • Bottom line – what you eat greatly affects how you feel and your body’s ability to stay well and fight off germs.
    • Consume lots of fruits and vegetables to get the nutrients you need while also limiting processed and sugary foods.
    • When you consume sugar, your body’s immune system is knocked down for a few hours up to 24 hours. So whether it’s another cookie or a sugary drink, choose wisely, especially if you’re not feeling well to begin with.
    • Supplement as needed since we don’t get enough of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need from our diet. I’ve been taking these for 8 years and am a huge fan.
  2. Move your body.
    • Yep, moving your body helps you stay healthy and fight off sickness. Aim for at least 20 minutes a day of whatever activity you enjoy – walking, yoga, pilates, weights, running, etc.
    • Moving your body increases your circulation, strengthens your body systems and muscles, and helps circulate your lymph fluid which is one of your body’s pathways for eliminating toxins. Help it out by moving your bod.
  3. Aim for 8 hours of sleep.
    • While you’re asleep, your body rests and repairs the damage done during the day. When you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t have enough time to repair and falls behind.
    • Lack of sleep also suppresses your immune system, leaving your more prone to getting sick.
  4. Reduce stress.
    • You guessed it! When you’re stressed, your body’s ability to fight off sickness is compromised.
    • Reduce stress by planning ahead, taking a break, and doing something for you whether it’s taking a hot bath after a long day or relaxing with a good book.
  5. Support your body.
    • In addition to the tips above, there are lots of ways you can support your body’s natural ability to fight off illness. My personal favorite way is with essential oils and herbs. I’ve seen a huge difference when I use them and have been able to chase off many a cold with their help.
    • A few of my favorite immune supporting oils include On Guard, Stronger, Lemon, and Copaiba. They’re so easy to use, too.
      • Add oils to a diffuser to cleanse your air and support the whole family’s immune systems.
      • Apply 1-2 drops to the bottoms of the feet or along the spine to support your immune system. I do this 1-2 times a day for prevention and more often if I’m feeling something coming on.
    • I’ve recently added Echinacea & Elderberry syrup to my lineup as well. It’s an herbal remedy I’ve seen great results with for boosting our immune systems and chasing colds away more quickly.

No one wants to get sick, and with a little extra attention to the basic things our bodies need to be healthy, you can spend less days in bed and more days enjoying the most wonderful time of year with the ones you love most.

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