Have you ever felt light-headed or developed a scratchy throat when cleaning a bathroom? Have you ever accidentally come in contact with a corrosive cleaner on your skin or have your eyes begun to burn from the toxic fumes in the air? Many household cleaners contain toxic chemicals, and these chemicals may cause short-term and long-term health problems when used. Certain chemicals can cause respiratory or skin irritation while others may actually interfere with neurological, endocrine, and immune system function. Scary, right?! But, you don’t have to use them. Read on to find natural alternative cleaning solutions.

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In one of the old apartments we lived in, the shower was made of these little tiles, and it was so hard to clean. We had really hard water, and the grout would get so gross. The only thing we could figure out to clean it with at the time was a nasty chemical. We avoided cleaning the shower (which probably didn’t help much!) because the cleaner would irritate our throats and eyes.

I remember kneeling on the floor cleaning the shower before we moved out. I was 7 months pregnant with our second baby. As I was cleaning, the thought crossed my mind that I shouldn’t be around this chemical and my unborn baby shouldn’t either. That was the last time I used it.

Shortly after moving to our new apartment, I began looking through the cleaners in my cupboards and deciding where to put them so they were out of reach for curious little hands. I read many labels with warnings about eye, nose, throat, and lung irritations or nerve damage. Then I read a label that said, “May be fatal if swallowed.” I knew I didn’t even want the possibility of that happening in my home, especially something so easily preventable.

“Green” cleaners were just becoming more popular and easier to find. But after looking at the ingredients, I wasn’t convinced they were actually better for me or were worth the expensive tag.

I didn’t know what alternatives to use, so I began searching for safe, natural, DIY cleaning solutions that wouldn’t be harmful to my children or me if we touched them, breathed in their scent, or swallowed them by mistake.

I grabbed an old spray bottle and whipped up a simple all-purpose cleaner. I was impressed with how it cleaned and loved how it smelled. I also liked that it only cost me pennies to make and wasn’t harmful to me or my kids. Here’s the recipe I used then. (Now, I use this simple cleaner concentrate for pretty much everything. It’s awesome.)

All Purpose Cleaner Recipe

– 16 oz glass spray bottle
– 2 Tablespoons Castile soap
– 10-15 drops essential oils*
– Water

In a 16 oz glass spray bottle, add the Castile soap and Lemon essential oil. Fill the rest of the way with water.
*I like dōTERRA’s On Guard or a combo of Lemon, Orange, and Melaleuca, but there are endless wonderful combinations you can make.

I ditched the toxic chemicals and made the switch to natural, non-toxic cleaners over 8 years ago and haven’t looked back. I’m so glad I made the switch. I have peace of mind knowing that there aren’t harmful toxins or chemicals in my home that are potentially damaging to our respiratory and nervous systems just by using them.

I’ve tried all sorts of recipes, and I want to share what has worked best for me with you. I want you and your family to be safe and ditch toxic chemical cleaners for good. It’s possible and oh-so simple.

I’ve created a free mini ebook with DIY cleaning recipes and a shopping list to help you get started making your own natural cleaners at home. Get it here.

Don’t have essential oils yet? You’re missing out! Message me or purchase here

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