I’ve been hesitant to share this part of my story for a long time. It’s something that has been one of the biggest blessings in my life and to my family. So, here it goes.

At the height of my research frenzy for the best diet and after the transition to non-toxic home cleaners, I started to research essential oils. I began trying them to help with little things that came up with my kids. (Kids first, haha)

I started trying them for different health things, and I began seeing successes with the bottles lining my closet shelves. I wanted to learn more.

Between Spencer’s previous experience healing his digestive system with the naturopath to the things I was learning about essential oils, I was amazed at how the earth provides all the tools we need to support a whole, natural, wellness lifestyle.

Spencer was invited to quit the job he had grown to despise that was literally sucking the life out of him. He was so unhappy and worked so much. I remember those days and don’t miss that part of them.

We took a huge leap of faith, and he started sharing doTERRA essential oils. (I know! MLM, yuck. *See below.)

He began building a wellness company that would eventually become Build Mind Body when I began actively working with him just one year ago. I saw the difference he was making in countless lives. There were positive personal changes and growth in him and those around us, and I couldn’t let that continue to pass me by. My heart wanted it too.

*My shortish MLM explanation: We had the hardest time getting over the stigma and trying to explain it to our families. But, it makes so much sense to me now and has provided more freedom in our lifestyle than we could have ever imagined 7 years ago. We both get to spend the day with each other and our children. We are traveling fulltime around the country together. We get to create our own schedule. We can split work days without scrambling for babysitters. I can hear him reading to our kids in the next room while I type. He’s not missing out on our babies’ lives anymore. Our children get both parents. That is a priceless gift in my mind. And last of all, I truly believe doTERRA is different. The people and the products are built on foundations of integrity and quality. On that note, I don’t think we would ever do a MLM other than doTERRA.

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